The World’s Best Caramel Corn Recipe


Did you get a lot of trick or treaters for Halloween? We got about 95 kids! There are a lot of kids where we live. And I think we are the only ones who havent added to the population of this neighborhood.

S & I decided we wont hand out the same old, commercial nutter butters and peanut butter cups this year. We wanted to give trick or treaters something home made. But because we dont have kids, I wasnt quite sure what to make. Then I came across this Amish recipe online. I trippled the recipe and put the caramel corn into clear treat bags with a twistie tie. I’m SO glad I made it! It was a great hit. The kids LOVED it. It tasted amazing.

Before I give you the recipe to the worlds best caramel corn, here is something that happened on halloween night:

A bunch of kids rang our door bell on Halloween night and then peeped through the glass door panels. S was approaching the door to open it..

“loooook! hes wearing an eskimo costume!”
“Sssshhhh! its not a costume!”
no, S is not an eskimo, neither does he look like one.


I know that giving you this recipe after halloween is not exactly helpful. But this will make a great snack at any holiday party. And since popcorn hardly weighs anything, it would be wonderful to make this caramel corn and ship it to friends and family for the holidays.

This recipe on has 452 positive reviews and 15,442 people have saved it; I can see why! It is super yummy and addictingly good.


Caramel Corn Recipe on posted by Anita Louise
about 28 servings

7 quarts plain popped popcorn
2 cups dry roasted peanuts (optional)
2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup margarine (I used butter)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place the popped popcorn into two shallow greased baking pans. You may use roasting pans, jelly roll pans, or disposable roasting pans. Add the peanuts to the popped corn if using. Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Combine the brown sugar, corn syrup, margarine and salt in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring enough to blend. Once the mixture begins to boil, boil for 5 minutes while stirring constantly.

Remove from the heat, and stir in the baking soda and vanilla. The mixture will be light and foamy. Immediately pour over the popcorn in the pans, and stir to coat. Don’t worry too much at this point about getting all of the corn coated.

Bake for 1 hour, removing the pans, and giving them each a good stir every 15 minutes. Line the counter top with waxed paper. Dump the corn out onto the waxed paper and separate the pieces. Allow to cool completely, then store in airtight containers or resealable bags.

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26 thoughts on “The World’s Best Caramel Corn Recipe

  1. Why don’t I live in your neighbourhood? taking so much trouble to make these for 100 kids!! right you don’t have kids;-)

    Looks and sounds real good! how many times did you walk up to the door? We leave our candies.. (yes the regular) outside and we go from door to door.


    Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:

    @Soma,we must have gone to the door about 15 times I think. we take turns :) yes, not having kids makes it easy to make and bag a triple batch of caramel corn!


  2. Oh.. how i wish I lived in ur neighborhood!.. I mean, i’d have come along with my toddler (of course the popcorn would be for me ;) )
    Looks awesome, i’d love to make this, hopefully (baby permitting) I will!


  3. That is a lots of kids. For safety precaution, we don’t let the kid eat or accept any homemade goodies, but it would have been an exception for ur yummy pop, Sala!


  4. Wow… have go some muscle girl! My toddler would have really hopped and popped at the popcorn treat for sure :) I know, its worth it when especially kids like it :) next time….try out your treat a couple of days before, just so, we can have some thing different too for the haloween trickers :)


  5. I never knew these existed until I came to SG. Absolutely love them! And I usually mix ‘em up with the salty ones for a good mix of flavours :)

    Never tried them myself though!


  6. Hey Sala
    Awesome pics! and Awesome recipe with the popcorns. I have got a huge can of corn kernels I got from Costco. Know I can use it well.

    I didnt ustand the addition of peanuts step. Is it the whole peanut we will be adding or powdered?


    Sala @ Veggie Belly Reply:

    @Vijitha, you add whole, shelled, peanuts. you could add roasted peanuts too. i didnt use peanuts because we always get some trick or treaters who are allergic. but peanuts coated in the yummy caramel sauce would be awesome!


  7. We had about 50 kids. This treat looks so good. Pics are beautiful. The sad thing about my hometown is that kids are told not to accept homemade treats. So I had to go and buy treats for them.


  8. Sala, that looks so awesome! I love popcorn of any variety and the caramel stuff just sends me over the edge. We go NO trick or treaters at our house so I am left with a bunch of candy. I wish I was left with this instead!


  9. I was searching for a caramel corn recipe and came across this blog.. I have to tell you, that your intentions may be good, but I can guarantee that most of the popcorn you handed out was thrown away. I’ve NEVER met a parent that lets their child eat home-made or opened food given to them on Halloween. If you don’t have kids, then you obviously aren’t aware, but kids are taught time and time again NOT to eat food like this from people on Halloween. If I were you, I would go around after trick-or-treating is over, and give it to neighbors instead. The adults will appreciate the treat!!


  10. love love LOVE your blog, first of all. I just made the decision to go veggie recently and i’ve done nothing today but copy yummy-looking recipes from your site to try. :) As for this recipe, try making it with the butter-flavoured bags of popcorn when you want something a little naughtier… it takes the caramel flavour to a whole new level! I have people BEGGING me to make it for them for Christmas and birthdays… my step-dad even wanted a birthday cake made from the stuff. :)


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